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Headless Body Turns Up in AZ Governor's Debate

September 4, 2010 by admin

With our special captions, we reveal Gov. Jan Brewer's inter-monologue.

On a slightly more serious note, I think we should thank Jan Brewer for her admission that "Arizona has been brought back from it's abyss." Then we should ask her is it only Arizona that has been brought back from the abyss, or is it all the states? Is only Arizona saved from the abyss and all the other states now in it? Or have all the states been brought back from the abyss, in which case who is to be chiefly credited with bringing these United States back from the abyss?

Besides having a little fun at Jan Brewer's expense. I hope to clarify some questions that have been raised in my diary in that past two days. On Thursday my diary titled Keith Olbermann's White Blindspot started a fire storm as some Kossacks claimed that I was saying that KO is a racist. So maybe I can further clarify my understanding of these terms if I tell you that I don't think Jan Brewer has a white blindspot. I think Jan Brewer is a racist. And I would hate to be forced to lump KO and JB [Jumbled Brains] in the same category because I don't think KO is altogether perfect on the race question and one size must fit all.

Now I would ask you to help me understand the DKos community better. From the comments to my diaries, I have already isolated two areas were my views would appear to differ with this community.
1.) I think KO's view of the world and his reporting reflect a certain racial bias. Others disagree, he has no bias whatsoever.
2.) I think the Vietnam War was a racist war as conducted by the U.S. Others disagree.

Here are some other issues that have been in the news recently, that I frankly think are all about stoking racism among white Americans, but the self-reporters would disagree:

The Birthers oppose Obama because he is not an American. It has nothing to do with his race.

That 18% of American's falsely believe that Obama is a Muslim has nothing to do with him being Black.

The anti-immigrate hysteria is just about enforcing our laws and is not in the least bit motivated by racism.

The anti-Muslim hysteria of the Tea Party is just about whatever, but it certainly has nothing to do with racism.

You see, I would say all the above statements are false and furthermore, I would say they all represent and are unified by a dangerous racist trend that is currently growing in America. So now it occurs to me that in so much as so many have so strongly disagreed with me on 1.) and 2.) above, maybe I am in broad disagreement with this community about whether white racism plays a significant role in American culture and politics today. It would help me better understand this community's attitude on racism if you would answer the following poll.

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